Course Overview
The CSEC Mathematics syllabus addresses the personal development and educational needs of
Caribbean students by encapsulating a variety of skills integral to everyday life and prerequisites
for entering environments of work and academia. These skills include critical and creative
thinking, problem solving, logical reasoning, modelling ability, teamwork, decision making,
research techniques, information communication and technological competencies for life-long
The syllabus also uniquely details a smooth progression of concepts that caters for students with
primary or rudimentary knowledge of mathematics, and it can be easily subdivided to match the
curricula of the different grades within the local high schools. Moreover, it is centrally positioned
within the CXC sequence of examinations bridging the CPEA and CCSLC with the Additional
and CAPE® Mathematics syllabuses. The competencies and certification acquired upon
completion of this course of study is comparable with the mathematics curricula of high schools