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Principles of Accounts (P.O.A)

10 Students enrolled
  • Description
  • Curriculum
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Course Overview

Accounting is the financial information system that provides relevant information to those who manage or use economic resources or engage in other economic activity. Principles of Accounts
is a course of study that provides an introduction to the principles and techniques that accountants employ in measuring, processing, evaluating and communicating information about
the financial performance and position of a business. This course in Principles of Accounts helps students to develop an understanding of a range of theoretical and practical techniques used in
accounting. It helps to develop skills that should enable them to participate more effectively and responsibly in today’s business environment, to improve the management of personal financial
activities, such as, budgeting, savings and investment. In addition, this course prepares students for post-secondary and professional studies in accounting.
The syllabus also seeks to instill tenets of the Ideal Caribbean as articulated by the CARICOM Caribbean Education Task Force (CTF) and adopted by the CARICOM Heads of Government at
their 18th Summit. To this end the syllabus contains objectives and content intended to nurture and improve students’ multiple literacy skills, as well as their management, economic and
entrepreneurial skills and positive work ethic. In addition, in keeping with the UNESCO Pillars of Learning, on completion of this course of study students will learn to know, to be, to do, and
to live together.

The syllabus aims to:
1. introduce fundamental principles and practices of accounting;
2. develop skills and attitudes useful in a dynamic business environment;
3. provide a foundation for further studies in accounting; and,
4. provide an acceptable level of competence for entry-level employment.

On completion of the syllabus, students should:
1. develop skills in applying accounting principles and procedures to business situations;
2. appreciate the importance of accountability in both public and private organisations;
3. grasp the significance of accounting as a tool for effecting control;
4. appreciate the use of accounting practice as a tool for efficient business management;
5. have the ability to identify and interpret financial data that will facilitate proper decision
making by users of accounting information; and,
6. develop an awareness of the role and impact of technology in accounting.

Timetable - P.O.A and P.O.B

5:00- 5:45pm POA
5:45- 6:30pm POA
6:30- 7:15pm POB
7:15- 8:00pm POB
  • Mathematics
  • What is Prerequisite courses
    A prerequisite is a specific course that you must complete before you can take another course at the next grade level.
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Course details
Level Beginner
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Working hours

Monday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Tuesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Wednesday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Thursday 9:30 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed